Time & Fate

This body of work ponders myth, human existence, the web of life, and cycles of birth and death, through images of star knowledge in European and Middle Eastern traditions.

Scrolls (2008)

The horoscopes of 25 individuals. Paper, ink, olive oil, and thread (26”x16”x36”).

Le’va’na/Moon (2010)

Dedicated to the three Moirai, the fates; the one who spins the thread of life, the one who measures and determines its length, and that who cuts it. (Embroidery and pearl beads 16”x16”).

Ingress of Pluto (2009)

There is a belief that when a slow moving celestial object inters a cardinal astrological sign, the alignment of the starts at that moment tells the story of a coming era. On January 27th 2008, Pluto, lord of the underworld, death and rebirth, entered Capricorn, the water goat. Pluto is leaving Capricorn on march 2023. Next time Pluto will enter a cardinal sign will be on June 2066.

In this interactive installation stamps of the astrological alphabet were placed by the gallery wall. Visitors were encouraged to make their mark. Wood, Lino-cut, ink, wall. (each stamp is 1”x1”x2”).

Horoscopes (2021)

Custom horoscopes for individuals, and special occasions. Paint, gold or silver leaf, and ink on wood or paper. Various sizes.


Flower hands (2007)


The sensual wolf